Saturday, November 28, 2009



Kyo: 大丈夫かよ。マジで具合悪いのか?


Kyo: Are you okay? Are you in a bad condition?



Tohru: へ?!いいいえただ少し考え事を。。。(いけません。。。っ夾君にまでご心配かけてしまいます!!)夾君これから海にいったりしませんか?あのな。。。平気です。泳ぐのではなけて。。。砂遊びをしましょう!!

Tohru: Huh? No no no. I’m just thinking a little bit… (I must not do it…I made Kyo-kun worry!!!) Kyo-kun, from here shall we do such things as go to the beach? Um…I am calm. You do not have to swim…Let’s (make a sandcastle?)




(Scene shifts to Shigure and Yuki)


Shigure: それは。。。楽しいか?きっと楽しいですよっ。おやゆき君てっきりあきとさんと一緒にかと。


Shigure: That is…fun? It most certainly looks like it. Oh should you not be with Akito?


Yuki: 。。。今日は春にベッタリ。


Yuki:…Today he is with Haru. (ベッタリ?)


Shigure: なるほど。僕らは暇だねえ。。。帰らせてくれたらいいのに。。。ゆき君。昨日あきとさんに何をいわれたの?


Shigure: I see. I am also free…I would be good if he let us return…Yuki-kun, Yesterday what did Akito say to you?


Yuki: 本当のこと。。。満足だろ?


Yuki: The real thing…Satisfaction probably?


(Switches to Haru and Akito)


Haru: 紅野もきてるってホント?


Haru: Did Kureno REALLY come?


Akito: ホントでも会わせてやんない。


Akito: Even if he really did, I would not let you meet him.


Haru: 本田さんにも?


Haru: Not even Honda-san?



Akito: 。。。どうして彼女が出てくるの?


Akito:...Why do you speak of her?


Haru: だって 紅野も十二支だから。


Haru: Because Kureno is also a part of the Jyuunishi.


Akito: 十二支だったら会わせなくちゃいけないの?


Akito: If he is part of the Jyuunishi, I have to let him meet her?


Haru: そうっじゃないけど会わせないのも不自然な感じ。


Haru: That’s not true but not letting him meet is an unnatural feeling.


Akito: 不自然?不自然手。。。ええ?あはははつはる。。。はつはるはいつもおかしな事をいうよね。ふふ。。。は。。。 他にもあるの?何か。。。その。。。不自然というモノ無い.そんな風に...笑わないでほしい。。。


Akito: Unnatural? Unnatural…huh? Haha Hatsuharu….Hatsuharu is always saying strange things…haha….ha…Besides that what else? What….That…Unnatural thing that does not exist? A way like that….I do not want to make you laugh…


Akito: だっておかしいんだもの。きみは笑い者。。。なんだよそんなだから。あれ。。。?傷ついた?傷ついちゃった...?


Akito: Still that is a strange thing…You are a funny person…I can say that assuredly. Huh? Did I hurt you? Did I accidentally hurt you? 

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Narration (Tohru): そんなのです。今日も皆さんはあきとさんのとろろへでかけていらして夾君と2人でお留守番をしているのです。けれど、こんな。。。。はとりさんがお謝りになることは一つもありませんのに。。。


Narration: That’s right. Today is also the day when everybody went to Akito’s place, so with Kyo as two people, we have been taking care of the house. But this…Even though there is not one thing for Hatori-san to apologize for…


Tohru: あ。。。つ


Tohru: A…uh..


Narration (Tohru): もしや。。。お留守番の夾君と私を心配...してくださっているのです...か?もしや。..皆さんも。。。?けれど。。。こんな事を思うのはただのおもい上がりでしょうか。。。嬉しい。。。


Narration: Perhaps…He is worried about Kyo and I taking care of the house? Everyone else too? But…Will a thing like this that I am only thinking rise up? I am happy….


Tohru: うれしいです。。。つ。ありがとうございます。私。。。私は本当に果報者です。。。本当に嬉しいです。。。ですから大丈夫なのですよ!


Tohru: I am happy…uh. Thank you very much. I…I am really a lucky person. I am really happy. Therefore, it is okay!


Hatori: 今日はこれで。あ。。。夾。一人にさせるなよ。


Hatori: This day… A…Kyo, don’t make her be alone.


Tohru: 私は結局あきとさんにご挨拶できないまま。。。なのでしょうか。できるのでしょうか。。。これはやはり。。。あきとさん次第。。。なのですね。。。あきとさん。。。一体なにを。。。あきとさんは由貴君に


Tohru: After all, I still can not greet Akito-san. Shall I no it? I can probably do it… Of course this…As soon as Akito…That thing, right. Akito. What on earth…To Yuki-kun…

Saturday, November 7, 2009






Woman: I really do not know. It certainly is a rare act but…Is it not the secretary? Anything I wonder if he Shigure invited him…




Kagura: Huh..Shi-chan? Shi-chan’s BASTARD (?)!!!




Woman: Kagura, do you remember that you broke the door last month too?


(Scene switches to boy and girl, who just kissed)

Narration (From Tohru): まけない。進んでいく前へ信じていけるきっと...それ以上.由貴君は何もおっしゃらなくて一緒に別荘へ帰って。帰られていた皆さんとパンケーキを



Narration: I don’t lose. I voluntarily believe before myself and…That and more. Yuki-Kun did not say anything more and together we returned to the holiday house together. With everyone who was able to return, we ate pancakes. Everyone seemed to have so much fun and Yuki was also laughing. But I… (was doing….).  I listened to the small voice of the falling of the drops instead of words.




Hatori: Honda-Kun?


と売る:え。。え???はっ はとりさ。。。え?


Tohru: Huh…Huh??? Ha-Hatori-Sa…Huh?




Hatori: In what way does your head hurt?


と売る:あっ いえ.違うです。今のは えと。。そのととと。。言いますか羽鳥さんは何故こちらにとても突然?


Tohru: A-No. That’s wrong. Now is….Um…That…which I said…Why is Hatori-San here so suddenly?




Hatori: Yesterday, I came over wth Akito but…for various things my greetings were late.




Tohru: A…You went to the trouble to…Is Hatori doing well..




Hatori:  (Sumanai?) With trouble, you went to have fun with everyone and I alone do this…




Tohru: Um. Please do not apologize…Kyo-Kun was here with me so I was not alone. The reason is that I did household chores…