(scene of girl and boy kissing)
Narration: 愛しくて触れた唇終わりと始まりのしるし。
Narration: The touched and beloved lips are the symbol of the end and beginning.
(zooms to new scene with girl, older girl, and older woman)
Kagura: Isuzu? Where are you going again? Occasionally together…Oh right! Shall we go somewhere in particular? Now, everybody is there! Probably Yun chan. Probably Shi chan. Haru chan…Anytime Kyo kun is there!
Isuzu: Kagura. If you already quit the love that you consistently place (force?). To watch is painful…
Kagura: Why…That sort of thing that you say…?
Isuzu: Still it is a real thing probably. Even though it is a real thing…
神楽:依鈴っ! 依鈴ったら!
Kagura: Isuzu!Isuzu!
Woman (Kagura’s mother?): What? Again FIGHT? We take her over but…She does not get used to our house huh…Furthermore, recently she has an obstinate feeling… [To watch is painful] Oh…hmm You had an intention that was like a particular thing that you said but…Prepare to quit. I hear that 御当主 yesterday also went to the other side.
Kagura: Huh….HUH?!
Woman: Because going this way is going to buy displeasure. The story of only here and between you and me will do serious injury.(Mama?) will fall senseless.