Saturday, October 31, 2009



(scene of girl and boy kissing)

Narration: 愛しくて触れた唇終わりと始まりのしるし。


Narration: The touched and beloved lips are the symbol of the end and beginning.


(zooms to new scene with girl, older girl, and older woman)



Kagura: Isuzu? Where are you going again? Occasionally together…Oh right! Shall we go somewhere in particular? Now, everybody is there! Probably Yun chan. Probably Shi chan. Haru chan…Anytime Kyo kun is there!




Isuzu: Kagura. If you already quit the love that you consistently place (force?). To watch is painful…




Kagura: Why…That sort of thing that you say…?




Isuzu: Still it is a real thing probably. Even though it is a real thing…


神楽:依鈴っ! 依鈴ったら!


Kagura: IsuzuIsuzu!




Woman (Kagura’s mother?): What? Again FIGHT? We take her over but…She does not get used to our house huh…Furthermore, recently she has an obstinate feeling… [To watch is painful] Oh…hmm You had an intention that was like a particular thing that you said but…Prepare to quit. I hear that 御当主 yesterday also went to the other side.




Kagura: Huh….HUH?!




Woman:  Because going this way is going to buy displeasure. The story of only here and between you and me will do serious injury.(Mama?) will fall senseless.


Kagura: A…Um Wait a second but Akito? For what particularly?! 

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Pg 7 (continued)


Narration: 出会いなんか望めないと落胆して入った女子高で美術の岡本先生(25)に一目惚れしました。べつに美術は得意ではなかったけれど、同じクラスで仲良しになった淳ちゃんと美術部に入る事に決めました。


Narration: Though I did not wish for a thing such as a meeting, I, a dejected and recently enrolled high school girl, was taken at first sight by the arts teacher, Okamoto sensei (25 years old?). Art was not particularly my strong point, but I decided to enter in the same class as Jun chan, who became my best friend.


(Zooms to a classroom scene briefly)



Jun: From the start, art is my strong point….




Okamoto Sensei: You drew beautifully, huh…



Nana: Ah…


(Ends classroom scene)

Narration: おかげで絵を描くの葉大好きになったけどいれといった進展もないまま1年後彼は別の高校へ去っていきました。


Nana: Thanks to him, I came to love drawing but (いれといった) when there was no development, he left to go to another high school after one year.



Nana: Sensei…Even though our same hairdos have bangs…


(Zooms to a scene with Nana and Jun)



Nana: Of course if I had professed my love, it would have been good. Not getting married is the same as not professing love. Next time, I will do it without fail!



Jun: Really…Without warning, it will end. The likelihood is high but…


Pg 8 (Shifts scene to a library)


Narration: 次の出会いはすぐにやって来ました。

Narration: The next encounter shortly came.


Library Man: ご返却は?

Library Man: The return?



Nana: Tomorrow!







Narration: 家の近所にオープンしたレンタルビデオ屋の店の店員おしゃれな中村さんです。(すいてい23)私は彼会いたさに毎日ビデオ屋に通いつめ。おかげで映画が大好きになったけど.ある日思いきってはなしかけたら冷たくあたしらわれてしまいました。

Narration: In the neighborhood of my house, the man of the shop of the opened video rental store was named nakamura. (Probably 23 years old) For the meetings, I would pass through everyday to the video store. Thanks to him, I came to love movies. One day daringly when I came forth, I was coldly rejected.




Nana: Um…Make me your girlfriend!


Library Man: お客様、困ります。

Library Man: Um, guest, it’s trouble.



Nana: The return, you mean?


(Scene shifts to Jun and Nana)



Nana: Without warning, that thing that he said was wrong. Next time, I will be more cautious!



Jun: No-Something that is not at least cautious is bad.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

UGH 難しい。。。

すみません、先生。Scanner を忘れてしまいました。。。

Pg 4 (continued)



Nana: From Mr. Asano, I receive no money (only one coin)! Even though, I understand, the unfortunate result is that I not one coin!




Jun: Stupid…Although it would have been good if you received quite a lot, he might as well have had sex with you and then run away! (And you would have been adversely affected)





Nana: Jun chan! (Having sex and running away…)



Jun: It’s a lie, Nana. You perfectly understand the truth of that man.




Nana: Jun cha-----n.





Jun: But if you do it in the future, after all, it will be the same playing… I think that your actions are like those of obsessively trend conscious teenage girls in heat…


Pg 5

奈々:コギャル? あたしのどこがっ


Nana: Obsessive teenage girls? Where does my behavior-




Jun: From growing old, all high school girls are probably kogyaru. Mr. Asano is not growing old! (For one thing, he still failing (by a small margin) a 20 year old) From high school girls, all men wearing suits become old.




Nana:  I wonder if she had to do the cutting of…. (紀香?) What story is this?


淳: だからコギャルに見られたのかも。。。でも、彼は大人だしあたしも少しでも大人っぽくしなきゃと思って


Jun: Therefore, one can probably be able to see the kogyaru. But, because he is an adult, I think that I too must act like an adult.




Nana: Even though the day we are able to meet I will do my best and wear a sexy one piece dress!


淳 :あー。それはいけなかったかもね。。。まっ盛りってカンジで


Jun: A-.You must have been forbidden to do that…(まっ盛りってカンジで?)


Sunday, October 4, 2009



pg 1:





1. Tokyo?
2: Uh huh. From next week
1. Wait a second. That is not a business trip?
2. From the head office of Tokyo, I immediately am attending an invitation. I'm beat. Oh! For this downsizing time, I'm grateful for this story.
1. Is that... That's wrong! But wait. If it's Tokyo, it's 2 hours by Shinkansen. Will I be worried about being able to meet soon?
2. Anyhow, because even until now we were only able to meet occasionally...I will become lonely. It will become hard to meet with you, Nana chan. But because of the job and no way... Until now, it was fun. Thank you.

1: That was July 1999. Since then, 4 months quickly passed. The God of Terror aimed at the next day's overhead and fell. This understanding hurts. After all, in the future, there is nothing left for love. But this was abrupt. That was easy. I'm stupid and I won't cry!

3: Don't cry.
1: But...Jun CHAN!
3: Therefore, even though I said to quit and reject, the highschool girl student, the love of social standing and adultery.
1. Don't say that it is adultery!